
Tuesday 25 February 2014

Mc chicken Burger

Children enjoy Mc chicken burger because it is delicious.

First you need to cook the chicken patties thoroughly. You can not eat it raw or you will get sick. Next you need the sauces like ravioli, Mayo, BBQ so you have more flavour.

Then you need the filling such as lettuce, pineapple, tomato, cucumber and cheese so that you will get filled up. Finally you have a bun. It could be plain, have flour on it or sesame seeds on it.

Put it all together and the burger is made.  

A woman named Lady Gaga

One day a woman named Lady Gaga  woke up to a terrifying sound, Kaboom! She ran outside. A volcano was erupting she rang the bell so people know to head to the safe zone.Had dark skin and black hair.She

Lady Gaga run up the mountain as fast as she could but she had to stop because She was pregnant. So she walked but the smoke was catching up to her so she speed walked. She was near the safe zone before the started to crack lava came up like water fountains she had to get pass them fast and carefully. Just then 25 helicopters came with tanks of water to put out the lava.

When she got to the safe zone she
meetup with her family and friends but she felt terrible the baby was coming. It was a girl she named It pumpkin patch. They started to build a town ship in the safe zone. They had a saloon, restaurant, houses, banks and many other stuff.

Always live away from a volcano.