
Friday, 25 September 2015

Dear Mrs Parkes

Dear Mrs Parkes

Thank you for all the help you have given not only me but my class. Also for the suggestions you gave to my teacher.

You have really helped me with my writing and I think because of that I concentrate more on my sentences and making sure I have good ideas for my stories.I concentrate more on improving my work than I use to.

I really enjoyed the the 4x4 poem, descriptive writing and persuasive writing. The 4x4 poem was different than anything I had done before. The descriptive writing I have done before but you gave me more ideas for that as well. My absolute favourite was definitely the persuasive writing.

Next term I have to focus more on my editing.

Once again thanks for your help and I hope you continue to help us.

Yours sincerely


Monday, 7 September 2015

E-asttle T3

This is my E-asttle score from this term. I have dropped dramatically since my first test this year. I am very disappointed with my score but I don't know what happened, I tried super hard. I tried to get at least 4a but that didn't happened. According to E-asttle I need to learn to estimate numbers reasonably.


Thursday, 3 September 2015

Flag change

Everybody In NZ have their own opinion about the changing of the flag and which one they like but, the original flag I grew up with. Seventy percent of NZ want to keep it the same so that means only thirty percent want to change it. In my opinion, why waste twenty five million dollars on something small instead of on something that would make a difference in our communities and the people living here. Yes sure the national flag symbolizes our country but why have a flag that does it for us, tourist don't come to NZ because of the flag they come to see our beautiful scenery and welcoming communities. If we made our communities look better and the people in the communities happier than maybe more tourist will visit and enjoy it more.